Research interests
- Formal Methods in Software Engineering
- Type Theory, Lambda Calculus, Process Calculi & Logic
- Trustworthy and dependable distributed systems (including security and privacy)
- Secure and fair Crowdsourcing
- Automatic Program Synthesis and Theorem Provers/Assistants
- Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
- Ethical and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
- Cyber Security and Privacy
- Distributed ledger technology (blockchain)
- Software Engineering for mechanical engineering and logistics applications
- Functional Languages and Programming Paradigms
- Software Architecture

- Mechanical engineering
- Data Ecosystems and Industrial Dataspaces
- Healthcare
- Logistics and supply chains
- Energy
- Z-Inspection: A process to assess trustworthy AI
- Traceable Pharmaceutical Products, Data+
- PAPRiCaS: Programming technology foundations for Accountability, Privacy-by-design & Robustness in Context-aware Systems
- ReVUS: Udvikling af infrastruktur til sikker datadeling i sundhedssektoren (Development of secure data sharing infrastructure for the healthcare sector)
- COWI Foundation: Sustainable supply chains for bio-based products – using blockchain technology to accelerate sustainability in bio-based supply chains,
- Erasmus+ BlockNet (BlockChain Network Online Education for interdisciplinary European Competence Transfer, Project No: 2018-1-LT01-KA203-047044)