Short bio
- Associate Professor in Software Engineering (2020-now), University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Assistant Professor of Formal Methods in Software Engineering (2017-2020), University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Guest Lecturer at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (2019-now), Chengdu, China
- Guest Lecturer at Copenhagen Business School (2018-now, Denmark)
- Research fellow (2018-now, iFP in Qingdao, China)
- Research Group Leader / Lecturer (2014-2017, Technical University Dortmund)
- Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) (2014, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany)
- Senior Research Assistant (2008-2014, Fraunhofer ISST, Dortmund, Germany)
- Diplom Informatik (2008, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany)
- IT-Strategy Consultant (Immo Data AG, Bochum, Germany)
- Freelancing Consultant (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, US)
- Founder & CEO (Heinen Düdder Geosysteme, Bonn, Germany)
- Diplom Physics and Mathematics (Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany)